social rules

Most of them are stupid, since they mostly make me wonder how people would live up for more than 5 seconds if one of the rules they care about for practically no reason is being broken.

Also it's as if they would put their energy into things that would be gone right after the moment (such as dancing, screaming etc) instead of something more "boring" that typically lasts for a longer period of time, which also benifits one's thinking and stability, since not brusting out energy immediately would result in learning how to be emotionally positive, while keeping things into themselves.

Not saying that it's a stupid thing for everyone, but if I do understand that people just perfer taking the easy way for their lifes, why wouldn't they bother understanding why I just want to use my energy in ways they wouldn't be able to see directly?

Also the most frustrating upon all is that there are people who are telling me to smile, when I've declared multiple times that I'm being alright with them. It's almost as if I'm not allowed to be happy in a way that shouldn't affect them.

But I guess the pictures would look bad if I do so, and since they care about that, maybe it isn't too bad to try to make myself more appearing to be outward.

But yeah those questions tire me out. Maybe I'm just too introverted, idk.


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